Our 30 day challenge is FREE! We will focus on implementing healthy lifestyle habits into your daily routine and creating awareness around a variety of topics.  Our goal is to solidify simple steps that will boost our energy and make us glow from the inside out.   Invite your friends to join us.

GOALS of our 30 wellness challenge:

  • Create abundance and a positive attitude through affirmations
  • Promote healthy eating habits through simple lifestyle changes that have a huge impact on your wellness
  • We will be sending you healthy delicious meal recipes to try at home
  • Learn stress management strategies
  • How to read food labels and recognize artificial ingredients/preservatives
  • Why supplementing with real food technology is important


Join our JUMP START program

Coach LogoWe are initially challenging the nation’s 10 fattest states to lose a total of 1 million pounds. Think this sounds impossible? Not so! If you live in one of these cities or are interested in learning more about the Challenge and Stephanie’s role as a coach, check out her page on their website