DSC_4099Understanding your finances is as important as knowing about your health. We have got to stop watching and start participating in our financial planning. We are all playing the money game whether we want to or not. The real question is are we winning? We must set up a financial road map on how to get from where we are right now to where we could be. The time is going to pass regardless of what you do, why not make it time well invested. It’s not what we learn that makes a difference in our lives but what we do with what we learn. Understanding the  cash flow quadrant is important to our success. We can effectively plan for: 1) long term security, 2) protection against the unexpected and 3) the ability to to build the kind of life you’ve always dreamed about. Money has meaning when it gives you the freedom to live an inspired life. To do that, we’ll need to dig deep, make new rules, and build true wealth. We are here to make sure we do just that, together.