Health Benefits of Iodine

Having the proper balance of vitamins and minerals is essential to the optimal functioning of the body.  One element that is not getting the attention it deserves is iodine.  The health benefits of iodine are often associated with supporting a healthy thyroid.  The thyroid aids in regulating the body’s metabolism and cellular function in the body.  Health benefits of iodine also include hormone regulation.  As the health benefits of iodine stimulate cellular function and regeneration of our cells, it is helpful in promoting healthy skin, nails, hair, a healthy thymus, pancreas, stomach and breast among other bodily functions.

Iodine also helps fight off harmful organisms, protects the thyroid from radiation and encourages detoxification.  Healthy levels of iodine in the body prevent toxic chemicals such as fluorine, chlorine, and bromine from inhibiting the proper functioning of the thyroid.

Contrary to popular belief, standard table salt is not a good source of naturally occurring and bioavailable iodine for the body.  Much of our table salt is bleached and full of artificial versions of iodine and does not offer the health benefits of iodine to the body.  A better alternative to table salt is Himalayan Crystal Salt.  There is a long list of foods that contain iodine.  Protein based sources include cod, shellfish and eggs.  Sea vegetables like seaweed and kelp are great plant based sources of iodine as well as dark leafy greens.  By simply eating a few prunes each day, we can increase our intake of iodine.

Iodine is important for males and females.  The female anatomy additionally needs iodine to support breast and ovarian health, as well as support the development of the fetus during pregnancy.  The amount of iodine you need each day depends on your age. The National Institute of Health outlines the health benefits of iodine and the average daily recommended amounts of iodine in micrograms (mcg).

Health Benefits of Iodine

Life Stage Recommended Amount
Birth to 6 months 110 mcg
Infants 7–12 months 130 mcg
Children 1–8 years 90 mcg
Children 9–13 years 120 mcg
Teens 14–18 years 150 mcg
Adults 150 mcg
Pregnant teens and women 220 mcg
Breastfeeding teens and women 290 mcg

My interest in the health benefits of iodine was sparked by my lifestyle.  As a perpetual traveler and health conscious person, I wanted to know more about this misunderstood element and the importance it plays in our lives.

The Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA’s division of Dermatology, has been researching the increased incidents of radiation exposure of individuals who fly on a regular basis. This research sparked my attention. I fly somewhere new in the world at least once a week. I was concerned about the amount of exposure I was coming into contact with and what could be done to combat the effects of my consistent exposure. My research brought me to the conclusion that I must supplement my diet with iodine and share with others the health benefits of iodine in our diets.  Personally, I take an iodine supplement daily to protect and support the optimal functioning of my body.  Iodoral is my supplement of choice.  To do your own research on this product or to order, click this link. A trusted health care professional could also answer any questions you may have on supplementing your diet with iodine.


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