Is Gluten Making Your Face Break Out?

I travel about 300 days a year, speaking all over the globe.  On a recent trip through Asia, I noticed my face was breaking out in a manner that is rare.  I took a deep breath and a second to think about why my face was reacting this way.  Now, many factors could have been at work such as: the water I was using to wash my face, the exposure my skin was getting from being in big cities with lots of pollution and the alterations in my diet.

I found the changes in my diet were the key component as to why my my face was breaking out.  I went from not eating much gluten in the form of bread and pasta to eating it everyday, at every meal.  Bread with breakfast, noodle bowls for lunch and dinner.  My body was waging a full on autoimmune response to the “gluten invaders”.

Is Gluten Making Your Face Break Out?

We all know that avoiding excess sugar is important, one of the reasons being that it disrupts the proper functioning of hormones, promotes weight gain and is highly addictive.  Many of the carbs we consume each day are taken in by the body and converted into sugars which are then stored in the body as fat.  Gluten can cause issues in the small intestines such as an impairment in digestion and poor nutrient absorption since the body is unable to get the nutrients it needs from the good foods we are eating.  When the body cannot properly digest the gluten, it is considered an invader by the body and the white blood cells begin to attack, increasing inflammation and the cycle quickly spirals downward.  In some cases, like when you cut your finger, inflammation is a sign that the body is working on your behalf; however it becomes very dangerous when inflammation is chronic and systemic.

Breakouts can be hormonal reactions which create excess sebum production, which in turn blocks pores and creates an overgrowth of bacteria.  Over time, breakouts can be a key indicator of blood sugar issues and can indicate chronic inflammation.  When we indulge on occasion, our bodies can typically handle the gluten unless you are one of many people who have gluten intolerance or severe gluten sensitivities.

Gluten is everywhere.  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley; gluten is usually the main ingredient in grain-based products like breads and pastries since it allows flour to rise.  Gluten-free products are making a presence in the market today as a large portion of our society is becoming gluten intolerant. Replace foods containing gluten with whole foods, not the processed alternatives.  If you are going to eat a highly processed diet, make sure to add NutriVerus™ powder to your food so that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function properly.

If your face breaks out, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a gluten sensitivity or are gluten intolerant; however I would highly encourage you to take a second to look at your diet by creating a food journal.  Record your food consumption, eating habits and your body’s reaction to your choices. Over time, your entries will assist you in identifying problematic areas.

If you have questions or need some helpful tips do not hesitate to contact us. To order NutriVerus™ powder click here.

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1 reply
  1. john martin
    john martin says:

    Corn, Soy, Wheat, Rice, Beans, etc. Yes, Wheat contains the most common form of ‘gluten’, but many people who do not tolerate the ‘gluten’ in wheat, also do not tolerate the form of gluten protein in the others mentioned (Corn, Soy, Rice, Beans, Etc.).

    Food for thought ^


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