Milk Substitutes

Milk substitutes are on the rise. With so many options, how are we to know which is the best? Consumers are demanding these milk substitutes and that is why we are seeing them more and more. For many Americans milk is comforting. We’ve been told a warm glass before bed is supposed to help you fall asleep and who doesn’t want to sleep better? We correlate milk with our childhood when we would dunk our cookies in an ice cold glass of milk. When most people think of milk they picture the variety that comes from cows, however, a cows milk is not for us but rather for a calf. This may be a touchy subject for some of us. Keep reading, it is worth knowing what you are getting when you consume a glass of cows milk. Fear not, you do not have to give up milk, sleeping well or eating cookies you have milk substitutes to choose from.

Unfortunately, cows milk is allowed to be sold even though it contains, pus, herbicides, pesticides and trace amounts of bacteria. Consuming large amounts of cows milk has some very scary health risks associated with it. Check out The Dangers of Milk

If we NEED milk for calcium, we should stop to think for a moment as to where cows get the calcium they need for strong bones. Hmmm… The answer is through the plants they eat.

Vegetables such as spinach, collards, kale, swiss chard, lettuces, rhubarb, mustard and turnip greens, and even broccoli are great sources of plant based calcium which the body can easily assimilate. Other alternatives to cow’s milk are hemp (this is a great choice as it is high in essential Omega 3 fatty acids which our bodies need), almond or rice milk. I would steer clear of soy milk. If you must drink soy milk make sure it is organic and GMO free.

Milk Substitutes

Milk Substitutes

Many women are investing in calcium supplements as they fear developing osteoporosis. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, however if you are one of these people you may be wasting your money. Grab the bottle now and look at which form of calcium is listed; if calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium phosphate or calcium gluconate are listed, essentially you are swallowing ground up chalk pressed into a pill. These forms of calcium are not bioavailable to the body and lack the calcium your body needs. It is better to increase your intake of the above green leafy vegetables or one of the above milk substitutes. If you want to take a calcium supplement contact me and we will find one appropriate for your needs.

In the comments below let us know which milk substitute you like the best and why. If you have a friend or loved one that also needs to ween off cows milk share this article with them so they know which milk substitutes they can enjoy.

Implementation: Next time you are at the store try one of the milk substitutes.

Affirmation: Nothing is impossible the word it’s self says I’m Possible! ~ Audrey Hepburn

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