
Do tampons cause cancer?

The use of glyphosate, a broad-spectrum herbicide more commonly referred to as Roundup, is coming under fire yet again.  It’s environmental impact in 160 countries is raising questions as to its safety.  According to a U.S. Geological Survey, farmers in the U.S. have sprayed 2.6 billion pounds of Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicide on agricultural land between 1992 and 2012.

How do tampons cause cancer?

The potential dangers this herbicide has on farmers and the food they produce for our consumption is alarming.  The staggering number of products that have been proven to contain glyphosate is also concerning.  The National Pesticide Information Center reports that “There are over 750 products containing glyphosate for sale in the United States”.  Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and highly permeable.  Preservatives, pesticides, fragrances and dyes can be transferred through our skin and mucous membranes and contribute to our toxic load.  The World Health Organization (WHO) concluded glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

As women we must address the feminine hygiene products we use monthly that increase our exposure to glyphosates and other questionably unsafe chemicals. Feminine hygiene products are marketed and sold with little to no data as to the ingredients contained with in them.  Tampons and pads are considered medical devices per the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).  For this reason manufacturers are not required to disclose their ingredients.  This makes it is nearly impossible for consumers to know what is in the products they are using.

Dr. Damian Marino, a member of the Socio-Environmental Interaction Multidisciplinary Space (EMISA) UNLP reported that, “According to a recent study out of the University of La Plata , 85 percent of all samples of tampons tested positive for glyphosate, and 62 percent also tested positive for AMPA, the environmental metabolite.”

On average a woman will use approximately 17,000 sanitary care products in her lifetime.  We know that the skin and mucous membranes are highly permeable, we also now know that there are chemicals in the feminine hygiene products we use monthly, what we did not know until now is that, “The chemicals absorbed through the vagina are easily and effectively distributed throughout the body, without being metabolized.  For example, when estrogenic drugs are administered vaginally, the resulting systemic levels of the drug in the body can be 10-80 times higher than when the very same dose is given orally.” as reported by a Chem Fatale Report outlining the potential health effects of toxic chemicals in feminine care products.  This means the glyphosate laced tampons we have been using could be spreading carcinogens, reproductive toxins, endocrine disruptors, and allergens through the permeable mucus membranes of the vagina at dangerous levels.

When researching the issue “do tampons cause cancer?”  It is important to know how we can reduce our risk.

  • Read the labels.
  • Go organic. Order organic tampons by clicking here.
  • Reduce the use of unnecessary feminine products.
  • Use unscented and unbleached products.
  • Consider using applicator free tampons.
  • Try reusable menstrual pads and cups.

If you have been adversely affected or to voice your concern contact the FDA by calling 1-800-332-1088 or fill out a consumer report form.

Two products that I personally recommend are:

THINX | Period Panties For Modern Women and

Organic tampons from The Honest Company

(You can order these products by clicking on the above links).



How To Detox Your Body

When we bring up cleansing the body the first question typically centers around how to detox our body. However, we should first know why it is important to detox the body through cleansing. Let’s break down the who, what, why and how to detox your body. Detoxing not only changes your body. It changes your mind, mood and attitude.

How To Detox Your Body

What are toxins?
Toxins are poisonous substances that build up in the body overtime. Toxins are produced by the body, they come from the food we eat, the water we drink, environmental factors, chemicals used in everyday products or even through the air we breathe. Toxins bombard us daily. Toxins are processed by the body through organs like the kidneys and liver. They are eliminated through sweating, urination or defecation. When these factors overload our body toxic waste builds up.

What Is A Detox?
Detoxing is the process of removing unhealthy substances from the body for a specified amount of time. Our bodies are an amazing vehicle of healing. Every second of everyday the body is cleansing each cell, organ and system so that it can function optimally. During the detoxification process the body neutralizes harmful toxins and excretes them from the body. Detoxing occurs naturally in the body. We can aid the bodies efficiency in removing stagnant toxins through yearly cleansing.

Why Is It Important To Detox?
A build up of toxins in the body can lower our energy levels as the body works extra hard to rid the toxins that weight it down. If we are looking to shed some pounds it is vital to learn how to detox your body. The body stores toxins in adipose tissue (fat cells). When excess toxins build up in the body we often gain weight . The body encapsulates the toxin to remove the toxin from circulation and protect our vital organs. As we detox and the the weight begins to fall off we must be sure to effectively clear the toxins out of the body. For our body to effectively release the weight it is holding on to we must detox the body. This is why is it important to know how to detox your body.

Who Should Do A Detox:
Anyone who desires more energy, increased health and vitality.

How Do I Detox:
There are many detoxifying cleanses out there we could do such as a whole body food cleanse, colon cleanse, a liver & gall bladder cleanse, there’s the Master cleanse, candida cleanses, the list could go on and on. There are a lot of cleanses out there. The question is what sort of cleanse do you need to do? Most people start with a full body cleanse. Joining our Wellness Challenge is a great first step to detoxing the body. Set yourself up for success with future targeted detoxes by doing this simple challenge.

7 Tips On How To Detox Your Body

  • KIS-Keep It Simple. We can begin cleansing by changing our diet. This means eliminating and adding foods that aid the body in the detoxification process which we outline in our Wellness Challenge.  Click here to join our Wellness Challenge.
  • Drink lots of water-We want to be sure to drink plenty of water daily. Water is a great detoxifier of the body and aides the body in eliminating stored toxins. We need to be drinking half our body weight in ounces of fresh, purified water daily. (Example: A person weighting 140 pounds needs to drink 70 ounces of water daily).
  • Refrain from eating processed foods and eat more fresh foods.
  • Increase our fiber intake. We should be pooping 1-3 times a day to ensure we’re properly removing toxins.
  • Get moving-Exercise helps eliminate toxins through sweating and stimulates the lymphatic system. (Our lymphatic system is like the garbage men who takes away the built up toxic trash). Exercise can also get us going by stimulating the bowel.
  • Frequent a dry sauna-The intense sweating you can enjoy in the sauna pushes the kidneys into detoxification mode and can clear out one-third of the toxic material from your blood stream.
  • Dry brushing– Dry brushing increases blood flow, circulation and enhances detoxification through the skin. Click here to learn more about dry brushing.

Are there side effects to detoxing?
As the body flushes toxins out initially people may feel nauseas, body aches, congestion, head aches, diarrhea, rashes or flu-like symptoms. Don’t let this freak you out, push through, you are getting healthier everyday and your body is getting stronger as we proactively release our toxic overload.

How often should I detox:
It really depends on the individual and what underlying issues we may be dealing with. As a healthy adult I personally cleanse twice a year. Before beginning a cleanse be sure to consult a professional.

For more information on How To Detox Your Body or specific cleanses contact us. 


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Add these foods to your diet to aid in detoxing the body daily.

How To Detox Your Body