How To Burn Fat Quickly

There is no mystery on how to burn fat quickly, the equation is simple. We must burn more calories than we consume. When we hit our ideal weight we want to maintain it and avoid the yo-yo dieting. Let’s be clear that weight is a poor indicator of health. What our focus is, is living well. So to be healthy we have to make living well a lifestyle. If we are keeping track avoid the scale, it can taunt us with lies of health. Instead, we want to use body measurements to track our weight loss success. A good measure of success is how we feel.

Here are 7 tips on How To Burn Fat Quickly:

  • Water– Drink half your body weight in clean purified water daily. (Example: A person weighting 140 pounds needs to drink 70 ounces of water daily). Dehydration can be masked by hunger pangs. When we feel hungry it is possibly our body is crying out for hydration. Have a big glass of water and wait 20 minutes before eating. Increasing our water intake is also a great way to keep things moving in the body, this includes moving toxins out of the body.
  • Be a mindful eater– Always sit down to eat at a table, set a place for yourself and free the area of clutter. Chew food well to aid in the digestion process, inhaling foods is not good for us on many fronts.
  • Do not drink your calories– We can add hundreds of calories daily by drinking soda, juices and other sugary drinks. Let’s not fool ourselves in thinking that if we drink “diet” drinks we are okay, “diet” drinks are actually worse for our health and they can make us gain weight. Make water the beverage of choice.
  • Make it look bigger– Use a smaller plate. This one tip can trick our mind into thinking we are eating more food than we actually are. When we finish the plate of food allow 20 minutes of rest before going to get seconds, typically we won’t want another serving. If we have a big piece of meat that can be split between two meals, cut the portion lengthwise so the portion appears to be bigger than it looks. Remember to always fill half the plate with veggies. Practice eating healthy serving sizes.
  • Spice it up– Spicy foods increase the metabolism and trick the taste buds into being more satisfied with smaller amounts.
  • Practice kind-sight– We must be kind to ourself as we change our habits. The habits we have spent our whole life creating will not change over night. If you have an off day, don’t beat yourself up simply acknowledge the error and commit to doing better next time the temptation arises.
  • Exercise– If we want to burn more calories than we consume each day we have to get up and move. Exercise is vital to a healthy body. If we have not exercised in awhile start by taking a 20 minute walk after dinner with a friend or loved one. Going for a walk can clear the mind while getting the blood flowing to the muscles and organs in the body.

What are your favorite tips on How To Burn Fat Quickly? We want to celebrate your success, share them with us in the comments.

Click here to learn more on How To Burn Fat Quickly with our 30 day wellness challenge. 


How To Burn Fat Quickly



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